New York City Hotel Deals at the Empire Hotel

Hotel Promotions & Special Offers

Take Advantage of New York City Hotel Deals + Seasonal Specials at The Empire Hotel

Enhance your stay at The Empire Hotel by taking advantage of our exclusive hotel deals, promotions, and seasonal specials. Combining our warm, friendly service and exceptional amenities with unique perks or suite upgrades, each special offer delivers an experience that stays with you long after you depart. Conveniently located steps from Columbus Circle & Central Park in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, we know our location can't be beat-- and neither can our hotel deals. You always get the best value, and the best rates, when you book directly with our hotel. Get into an Empire state of mind.

Book Direct and Save Promotion at the Empire

Book Direct and Save

Save 10% Off for Booking With Us

Plus a 1PM Late Checkout + Complimentary Upgrade.

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Drinks Package at the Empire Hotel New York @vanilace

Empire Escape Package

Stay, Play, & Sip Away

Cozy up with iconic views & 2 drinks at the Empire Rooftop Bar included in your stay. 

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Pay Now Save More Offer at Empire Hotel New York

Advance Purchase Savings

Book Early and Save 

Save up to 20% off when you book early & pay for your room in advance.

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Stay Longer Save More Promotion at The Empire Hotel New York City

Stay Longer and Save More

Stay 4+ Nights & Save 15% Off

Enjoy extra time in NYC and reap the rewards when you stay a little longer.

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Romantic NYC Retreat at the Empire Hotel New York

Romance Retreat

Celebrate Your Love in NYC

Indulge your lover with a romantic getaway, overflowing with perks & bubbles.

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extended stay weekly rate special at the empire hotel

Extended Stay Special

Weekly Rate

Enjoy up to 30% off when you book 7 nights or more at the Empire Hotel.

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Dog Friendly Hotels in New York City

VIP Pet Package

Perks For Your Pup 

Bring your furry best friend and enjoy our pet-friendly NYC hotel together.

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sunday monday sale at empire hotel new york
sunday monday sale at empire hotel new york
sunday monday sale at empire hotel new york

Sunday Monday Sale

Extend Your Weekends 

Stay with us on Sundays and Mondays and save up to 30% off for a limited time only.

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Welcome to the Empire Hotel 44 W 63rd St New York NY

Revel in the Empire

Classic Elegance Meets Modern Luxury

Experience the vibrant energy of New York City at the Empire Hotel. Located across from Lincoln Center and steps from Central Park and Columbus Circle, the historic elegance of the Empire Hotel is your gateway to a classic New York City adventure. Head to the top floor and enjoy the Empire Rooftop Bar & Lounge, unveiling panoramic skyline views of NYC, alongside a tempting plunge pool. Our iconic 'Hotel Empire' neon sign, a city landmark, shines bright, echoing the stylish allure of our historic art deco lobby and 427 rooms and suites, inviting you to a chic retreat amidst the city's relentless beat.